What is the Fineness of Painting Hanging?

What is the Fineness of Painting Hanging?

Wall design is very important in home decoration, this reason generally does not feel good to look at empty walls. One of the most practical, saving, and stylish methods of in-wall design is to hang paintings on the walls. So, What is the Fineness of Painting Hanging? Do not say that there is no way to hang a painting. Of course, there is. When correctly selected paintings are hung with the right methods, the balanced and aesthetic image they create on your walls is very important for your home.

While hanging the tables, it is absolutely necessary to pay attention to the distances, dimensions, and proportions. At the same time, when purchasing your painting, the choice of color is very important in terms of integrity. The selection should be made in accordance with the color palette in the room to be used. Paintings can dramatically change the dominant colors in the home. Apart from that, your painting can create a pleasant contrast with the colors in the space. In such designs, the painting you choose does not get lost in the general view of the space, on the contrary, it becomes more attention-grabbing. In this article, we have compiled 3 items on how to hang the paintings, which are the most preferred decoration products for your homes, correctly.


One of the biggest mistakes made about hanging a painting is hanging it too high. Tables; It should be hung at a height proportional to the furniture and the floor. E.g; If you are hanging a painting on the largest sofa in the living room, it should not be hung too high from the upper surface of your sofa. If you hang your paintings too high from your furniture, your concept, proportions, and composition will be wrong.

Remember the “57 inches” rule when hanging a table! When we convert it to cm as a unit of measurement, it is considered the ideal height for the painting you hang on the wall to be approximately 150 cm above the ground. There should be a height that you pay attention to when hanging a table at eye level.


When hanging your painting, you must pay attention to the proportions. Here the rate is determined in 2 ways. First, you have to consider the size of the products against the wall on which you will hang the painting. The other is that if you are going to hang more than one painting on the same wall, you should pay attention to the relationship of their sizes. When you hang a painting on a product, you can follow the 1/3 rule. E.g; If you are hanging a painting on a console, you can have the painting create a 1/3 composition with the dimensions of the console. But if you are hanging more than one small-sized painting on the console, then you should determine the number of tables you will use in a proportion of 1/3 and you can choose tables to complete that size in that number. That is, using as many tables as you can achieve this ratio allows you to create the ideal view.


When hanging multiple paintings on the same wall, you need to group the paintings. When determining these groups, you can base on factors such as color harmony/contrasts, sizes, styles, patterns. In this case, the issue to be considered is that you hang it neatly, with a distance of no more than 7.5 cm between each painting. Tables that are too close or too far apart will destabilize your composition. If you are using the painting on a piece of furniture, your painting should of course center your furniture. In this way, your eyes can perceive the two as a compliment. It should be the same when you hang multiple tables. If you hang the paintings that you hang next to each other far from each other, the paintings will be perceived as offended and do not give the feeling of a group. Finally, while each of the paintings you will hang may be of different sizes, if there are some of the same sizes inside, it will be more correct to group them if you hang them symmetrically.